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Contractors, Third Parties Held Liable for Work Injuries

Man being taking care of after suffering from workplace injury

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Other legal options may exist for workers injured on the job. Workers’ compensation is not the only option when an accident occurs at work.
It is common for injured workers to mistakenly believe that workers’ compensation is the only option when an accident occurs on the job. Thanks to experienced work injury lawyers in Chicago, however, many injured workers are discovering that other legal options may exist.
Over the years, thousands of victims who were injured on the job have settled for meager workers’ compensation benefits that never quite added up to their lost wages, medical expenses or other damages. Even when it was obvious that a contractor, product or equipment manufacturer, or other third party was responsible for their injuries, victims were often under the impression that their only course of action in seeking financial compensation was to file a workers’ compensation claim. Recent case decisions involving workers who became ill or injured due to the negligence or recklessness of a third party while at work, however, are enlightening victims.

Man being taking care of after suffering from workplace injury

According to Neal B. Strom, a work injury lawyer in Chicago, “When a worker is injured due to a faulty piece of equipment, the negligence of a contractor to follow safety procedures, or even the recklessness of another worker, the victim may be able to file a personal injury claim against the third party in addition to a workers’ compensation claim.”

Since workers’ compensation benefits do not compensate for some types of damages that injured workers suffer, the outcome of these recent cases is something that injured workers should be aware of. In addition to workers’ compensation benefits, injured victims who are eligible to file a third party personal injury claim may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, additional lost wages, loss of life or enjoyment of life, and numerous other damages.

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As the founder of the firm, Neal has devoted his life to working for the worker. His achievements are numerous and beyond reproach. He is most proud of his work in helping clients obtain valuable benefits, such as a wheelchair ramp to his home or lifetime medical care.

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As the founder of the firm, Neal has devoted his life to working for the worker. His achievements are numerous and beyond reproach. He is most proud of his work in helping clients obtain valuable benefits, such as a wheelchair ramp to his home or lifetime medical care.

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