A North Ridge Health and Rehabilitation nurse mistakenly administered 600 mg of oxycodone to a resident, instead of 30mg which is was the maximum dosage prescribed by the resident’s physician.
The resident, Gary A. Schmidt, was 53 years-old and only a short-term rehabilitation resident. He died on April 2, 2017 and was found unconscious on the floor at the nursing home. The nursing who administered the drug admitted “she did not verify the concentration and dose of the oxycodone administered because she was very busy with multiple patients.”
Our firm has investigated and continues to investigate multiple cases where families believed their loved ones were killed or seriously injured due to improper administration of medication. That includes both over-dosing and under-dosing. It can also include a complete failure to provide necessary and life-preserving medication.
If you have questions or concerns about your loved one’s care in a nursing home, please call us at (312) 609-0400.