On behalf of Strom & Associates, Ltd. posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Tuesday, October 21, 2014.

It is no surprise that pedestrians who are hit by motor vehicles are much more likely to die as a result of their injuries than people who are riding in cars or trucks. In 2012, 138 pedestrians in Illinois were killed in such accidents, accounting for 14.4 percent of all traffic fatalities in the state for the year.
Nationally, the year brought 4,743 pedestrian fatalities, representing 14 percent of all traffic deaths across the nation. These numbers represented a 6 percent increase from the number of pedestrians killed the prior year. Nearly 75 percent of all pedestrian deaths occurred in cities, while 70 percent happened during the evening and nighttime hours.
Of those killed, 48 percent died when alcohol use, either on the part of the driver or the pedestrian, contributed to the accident. Approximately 90 percent of pedestrian fatality accidents were single vehicle ones. NHTSA’s safety recommendations for drivers is that they should always look out for pedestrians, pay attention to their surroundings, not speed, watch out for crosswalks and never drink and drive to lessen the risks. Pedestrians are advised to try to walk on sidewalks whenever possible, not drink and cross roads only at crosswalks or in well-lit areas.
For the families of pedestrians who are killed after being hit by a car or truck, they may be able to seek compensation for their losses through a civil lawsuit filed against the driver. Although wrongful death lawsuits will not bring back their loved ones, they may be able to recover compensation and damages for losses suffered as a result of the pedestrian accident. Both drivers and pedestrians should be more cautious and treat traveling as a potential danger. It is important that drivers stay aware of their surroundings at all times.
Source: NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis, “Traffic Safety Facts Pedestrian“, October 20, 2014