One of the most important pieces of advice I give to my personal injury and workers’ compensation clients is that they MUST steer clear of posting anything on their social media accounts. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. They should not post images of a car accident or their injuries. They should not discuss their injuries or their pain. They shouldn’t even say anything about how they are recovering from their injuries.

Given a recent murder which took place on February 16, 2018 in Zion, Illinois, I must now add to my caveats that they should never post anything about their monetary recovery from their case.
Kaleah Beville was killed inside a Zion home after a home invasion and robbery committed by two now apprehended suspects. According to the Chicago Tribune, a male resident at that home posted a video on social media about money he was awarded from a personal injury lawsuit. The police indicate that the two men sought to rob that resident of that money during the home invasion.
My advice is stay off of social media for the entirety of you claim, and to be discrete about the outcome of your case even after it is over.