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Si quieres votar en la Elección Presidencial de 2020, tienes que comenzar el procedimiento de inmigración inmediatamente

United States Immigration documents. Department of homeland security

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Estamos a mitad del término inicial de Presidente Donald Trump y ya estamos viendo cómo sus pólizas están afectando los derechos de los inmigrantes. Más de 700,000 inmigrantes están esperando solicitudes de naturalización para convertirse a ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. Antes de que Trump era presidente, el proceso de naturalización solo duraba unos seis meses. Ahora, el miso proceso de naturalización puede llevar más de dos años. Con la temporada electoral en curso, estos retrasos plantean serias dudas sobre la intención detrás de los retrasos. ¿Trump está tratando de afectar el panorama electoral a su beneficio? Los retrasos en el procesamiento de las solicitudes de naturalización van a retrasar un gran número de personas que tienes tarjeta de residente (“Green Card”). En años anteriores estas personas han podido recibir su ciudadanía a tiempo para votar en elecciones

United States Immigration documents. Department of homeland security

Intencional o no, las demoras seguramente limitan el número de votantes Latinos. Los menos votantes Latinos, la más favorables las elecciones para Trump. No es una coincidencia que los distritos más disputados en las próximas elecciones — en partes de Texas, California y Nueva Jersey– son las áreas con los mayores retrasos en el procesamiento de solicitudes de naturalización.

En Septiembre de este año, varios defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes se unieron para presentar una demanda que busca los motivos de los retrasos. Toda via no se sabe la efectividad de este litigio para acelerar el proceso de naturalización. Por lo tanto, si deseas asegurarse el poder votar en la Elección de 2020, debe comenzar el procedimiento de naturalización inmediatamente.


If you want to vote in the 2020 Presidential Election get your Immigration application in now. We are only half-way through Donald Trump’s initial term in the White House and we are already seeing how his policies could have adverse effect on the rights of immigrants for years to come. More than 700,000 immigrants are currently waiting on naturalization applications to become U.S. citizens. Prior to Trump, the naturalization process usually took about six months. Now, it can take more than two years to get an application processed. With election season underway, these delays raise serious questions about the intent behind the delays. Is Trump trying to affect the voting landscape to his benefit? Delays in processing naturalization applications will keep a large number of green card holders, who in previous years may have received their citizenship in time, from voting in this election cycle.

Whether intentional or not, the delays are certain to limit the numbers of Latino voters. The less Latino voters, the more favorable an election becomes for Trump and his supporters. It comes as no coincidence that in some of the most hotly contested districts in the upcoming election– in parts of Texas, California and New Jersey– are the areas with the longest delays in processing naturalization applications.

In September of this year, immigrant rights advocates filed a lawsuit demanding records on the reasons for the delays. Still, the effectiveness of this litigation in speeding up the naturalization process is unknown. Therefore, if you want to make sure you can vote in the 2020 election, you should begin the application process immediately.

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As the founder of the firm, Neal has devoted his life to working for the worker. His achievements are numerous and beyond reproach. He is most proud of his work in helping clients obtain valuable benefits, such as a wheelchair ramp to his home or lifetime medical care.

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As the founder of the firm, Neal has devoted his life to working for the worker. His achievements are numerous and beyond reproach. He is most proud of his work in helping clients obtain valuable benefits, such as a wheelchair ramp to his home or lifetime medical care.

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