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Search Results for: workers compensation – Page 23

Increase in Construction Injuries Related to Building Boom

The residential building boom in big cities, such as Chicago is good news for both the construction industry and economy. However, with this upswing has come an increase of fatalities and injuries among construction workers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, deaths from injuries on construction sites increased by 5 percent during 2014 to 874 deaths.

Improved Protocols are Key to Reducing Nursing Injuries

Nursing is among the most noble, and yet most dangerous professions. Each year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that over 35,000 nurses are injured while caring for patients. Injuries range from back injuries to needle sticks. These injuries impact their ability to perform their jobs and care for the patients they are responsible for.

Don’t Delay Mesothelioma Diagnosis or Treatment

Asbestos was used in construction and manufacturing from 1940 to 1978 and it is estimated that between 2 to 10% of people who were exposed to it will develop mesothelioma. Nationally, it’s estimated that up to 11 million people were exposed to the naturally occurring mineral fibers which were used primarily in insulation products.

Work Related Illnesses and Injuries Push Many Americans Deeper Into Poverty

According to a report by the United States Department of Labor, more than three million workers in the U.S. are severely injured in the workplace every year, and approximately 4,500 more lose their lives on the job. While the number of work related injuries, illnesses and fatalities may seem extraordinarily high, studies indicate that these numbers represent only a fraction of the actual incidents.

Psychological abuse often goes undetected in nursing homes

Placing a loved one in the care of the trained staff at a nursing home has long been a difficult choice for many Illinois families to make. This is largely due to the vast amount of negative news often heard about nursing homes and other care facilities all over the nation.

Nurses’ injuries of no concern to hospitals

Nursing can be a vibrant and rewarding career. Unfortunately, it can also cause permanent disability if a person is injured on the job. Many nurses suffer career-ending traumas every year. Nursing staff are exposed to infectious bacteria and viruses, violent patients, the possibility of contamination with dangerous substances and the ever-present risk of musculoskeletal injury.

How can stretching prevent lifting injuries?

Sharon was finishing up her shift in a busy restaurant kitchen. After more than six hours of preparing elaborate meals and putting the finishing touch on gourmet sauces, she was asked to lift a 30-gallon pot full of stock for the next day’s cooking needs.

Nighttime officers face higher risk of injury

Police officers in America are in especially high demand during the nighttime hours, as a Illinois workers’ compensation attorney knows. As criminals seek the cover of darkness for their crimes, law enforcement officers must work even harder to keep citizens safe.