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Search Results for: workers compensation – Page 7

Workers Face Challenges In Repetitive Stress Injury Claims

The fastest growing category of claims a Chicago workers compensation lawyer handles involves repetitive stress injuries (RSI). An RSI is an injury most often caused by repetitive motion of a joint, overexertion, or poor positioning during work.

Severe Violator Enforcement Program Protects Workers

Chicago workers’ compensation attorneys are well aware that unsafe working conditions are a leading cause of work related injuries and the workers’ compensation claims that result when employers negligently place employees health and safety at risk.

Fatal Four Causing Death and Injury to Construction Workers in Chicago

According to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) which was conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4,679 individuals lost their lives to work related injuries in 2014. Alarmingly, that is a 2 percent increase in work related fatalities from the previous year.

Confined Spaces Put Workers at Risk

Any individual who is employed is in some type of risk of experiencing an on the job injury. While some dangers, like working from high structures or around heavy machinery, may be pretty obvious, others are a bit more discreet. Working in confined spaces is one such danger.

Illinois Police Officer To Receive Compensation for At Home Injury

Recently, an Illinois police officer injured his back while loading a 40 pound duty bag into the trunk of his personal vehicle as he prepared to report to work. It is reported that the officer was dressed in his work attire, but he was not on duty at the time of the accident, and it was not close to the time for him to report to the police station.

Cancer Drugs Pose a Risk to Health Care Workers

When considering jobs that are high risk, most individuals do not think about the health care field. While occupations like construction work, law enforcement, and similar fields tend to have more obvious hazards, however, the health care industry is still third in the nation when it comes to on the job injuries.

Why do temporary workers have a higher rate of injury?

The American workforce has changed substantially during recent decades. Many people in earlier generations could expect to stay with one company for many years and enjoy an uncomplicated retirement. This pattern is now the exception rather than the rule.

Hospital workers have higher risk of injury than in private industry

Hospitals can be dangerous workplaces. According to current statistics from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 6.8 out of every 100 full-time hospital employees were hurt on the job during 2011. This rate is almost twice as high as the injury prevalence rate in private industry.

Are construction workers still at risk for asbestos exposure?

According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, construction is one of the riskiest industries in America. More job-related deaths occur in this sector of industry than in any other trade or profession, as workers’ compensation lawyers in Chicago know.